Jason Statham Training
Same time pickings earlier he belonged to the British national team in diving, since 1998 he is in the film and the action movie "The Transporter" he became world famous. Jason Statham impress whose stunts as well as his defined and toned body. In addition to his acting abilities is Statham's body his entire capital. It is the result of hard training and iron discipline. Here you can learn all about the training schedule and diet plan for a Hollywood hero, the one in the action business big time.
Diet of Jason Statham
Here, Jason Statham is going on with the pedantry of an accountant. Everything that is consumed is meticulously logged and recorded. The following things are absolutely taboo for him: Alcohol in any form, foods that contain refined sugar or flour. Therefore, no pasta or bread. His diet plan includes 6 meals that Jason Statham throughout the day. He drinks up to 4.6 liters of water. To the allowed foods include eggs, lean meat, fish, nuts, vegetables and whey protein shakes. Jason Statham treat yourself to a limit of 2,000 calories per day. Is Jason Statham still hungry, the training plan granted to him a few Früchte.Dieser eating plan does not allow sins. He stressed proteins and waives carbohydrates from cereals. Besides protein shakes diet plan does not contain any supplements. Given the high-protein content thorough flushing of the kidneys with plenty of fluids is required.
Training plan of Jason Statham
The accounting precision with which his diet plan is recorded, also applies to the workout. Record all workouts exactly is a top priority for Jason Statham bid. He increases the intensity of workout to workout. Moreover, for him the principle to vary the workouts. If the same exercises, then in a different order. So Statham's training schedule is extremely flexible. With the records Jason Statham keeps track of his training.
5, exemplary patterns plans of Jason we show you here:
Workout # 1 (Monday)
10 minutes rowing on the rowing machine
Squats with Barbell: 1 set, 5 reps
Rope Climbing: 1 set, 5 reps
Barbell Press lying, with 3 breaks: 1 set, 5 reps
Tug: 1 set, 10 reps
Medicine Ball Seitwurf: 1 set, 10 reps
Chin-ups: 1 set, 15 reps
Dips on the machine: 1 set, 15 reps
Wall throw with medicine ball: 1 set, 20 reps
Tug: 1 set, 20 reps
Burpees, combination squat - push-ups: 1 set, 20 reps
Workout # 2 (Tuesday)
10 minutes rowing on a rowing machine
Sprints: 6 sets (5 Wdhlg.)
Farmers Walk, Walking with weights: 1 times over the length of a basketball field
Workout # 3 (Wednesday)
10 minutes rowing on a rowing machine
Squats with your back to the wall: 1 set, 20 reps
Squats with the barbell: 5 sets (5 Wdhlg.)
Push-ups: 3 sets (35 Wdhlg.)
Workout # 4 (Thursday)
10 minutes rowing on a rowing machine
Farmers Walk, Walking with weights 3 times over the length of a basketball field
Support bars, legs parallel to the bars: 3 sets of 30 seconds
Squats with weights in front of the chest: 3 sets (1 repetition)
Squat with barbell: 10 sets (10 Wdhlg.)
Chin-ups: 10 sets (10 Wdhlg.)
Inclined pushups (feet on bench): 10 sets (10 Wdhlg.)
Weight Lifting with Barbell (up to shoulder): 10 sets (10 Wdhlg.)
Knee raise in the forearm support: 10 sets (10 Wdhlg.)
Workout # 5 (Friday)
10 minutes rowing on a rowing machine
Push-ups: 3 sets (5 Wdhlg.)
Chin-ups: 3 sets (5 Wdhlg.)
Squats with your back to the wall: 3 sets (5 Wdhlg.)
Deadlifts with Barbell: 8 sets (5-3-2-1-1-1-1-1 Wdhlg.)
The training plan of Jason Statham is very individual. He works with unusual exercises that require a lot of power in addition to holding work.
Conclusion: diet plan and exercise plan of Jason Statham
Jason's training is extremely flexible and individual. His equipment you can not find in normal studios more. Extra for he trained in a training center for Stunt Men The intensity of the exercises is not really suitable for beginners and extreme. The energy for its training plan he gets from a well thought out diet plan.
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