Overtraining in Bodybuilding

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How can you avoid over-training - Training Tips

One of the fastest growing sports in the last decades is Bodybuilding, whether with the aim of training general fitness, rehabilitation or extreme muscle building like in bodybuilding. There is here a wide variety of exercises, many of these exercises have on the muscles completely different effects (eg, mass gain, strength, power, speed-strength, muscular endurance, etc.) Without in-depth knowledge or a good coach, even beginners quickly come into a state of overtraining.
Each individual training session can be described with the following five training variables: exercise selection, order of exercises, exercise volume (sets x number of repetitions), weight or intensity (percentage of repetition maximum) and recovery (between sets). Each of these variables allows a variety of combinations, resulting in thousands of different possible combinations for the training execution result. A long training period, or a training cycle, the training variables can be altered to provide the necessary variation.
This variation in training is called periodization. It serves to ensure that the body is constantly exposed to new strains that provide adaptation phenomena and associated with it for improved performance. Often, this periodization is brought specifically in the context of training programs for athletes in conjunction, but variation in the patterns of training is important to want to merely improve their general fitness and for people. This variation in the training plans also prevents monotony that occurs when identical training sequences over and over again to run with no or very little variation.
Training volume and intensity: A common problem when it comes to effective training planning is the determination of an appropriate combination of training volume and intensity. An excessive volume or a very high intensity can lead to suboptimal results and to a situation in which the performance starts to decline. If the physical performance stagnates over a longer period or going back and getting longer recovery times are needed, this is called overtraining.
This effect is usually associated with an enlarging training fatigue and also associated with an increased risk of getting sick or getting hurt. Overtraining can be avoided are matched correctly with the volume and intensity by a correct compilation of a training plan. But It also must be said that increased training volume or increased exercise intensity are not necessarily bad. There are training phases in which athletes find short-term performance degradation that can be easily overcome in a few days by increasing the intensity increased training stimulus is generated.
The typical scenario but overtraining occurs when the training volume and / or intensity over a long period is too high. It is important to remember also, related training volume and training intensity vice versa. In other words, when the training volume is the greatest, the exercise intensity should be relatively small and vice versa. Unfortunately, most athletes do not heed but this ratio and follow the motto "more is better" both in terms of volume and intensity. The net result here, the power is either significantly impaired or is not optimal in the best case, it comes to overtraining symptoms.
Excessive training volume: A form of overtraining can occur if the volume of training over a longer period is too high. This can happen due to excessive training frequency (eg daily training), installation of additional exercises or the incorporation of additional sets. It turns out that this type of overtraining manifests itself through various signs and symptoms that occur even when overtraining associated with endurance sports. Two hormones are affected when overtraining, testosterone and cortisone.
Overtraining as a result of too high training volumes, resulting in a shift in the relationship between testosterone and cortisone. Although this ratio is not directly responsible for the performance degradation, it has nevertheless shown that this ratio shifts when training volume increases significantly. It has also been shown that increasing the use and mobilization of free fatty acids by the fat metabolism during periods of increased training volume. This can lead to the may decrease due to this type of training stress, the body fat percentage.
It has also been shown that the sympathetic nervous system may be exhausted by this form of training (the parasympathetic overtraining syndrome), for strength training must be proven.

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