Jan Frodeno - Ironman Hawaii 2019 Winner

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News Triathlon / Comment 1

Jan Frodeno

  • Winner of the Ironman Hawaii 2015, 2016 and 2019
  • Gold medal at the Olympic Games (2008)
  • Since July 2016 he holds the world record time with 7:35:39 hours on the triathlon long distance.

The capital of Jan Frodeno

Jan Frodeno has achieved something many athletes can only dream of. He can make his living by his enormous athletic performance. Thanks to numerous advertising contracts, u.a. As a brand ambassador for Mercedes, he was able to build up a considerable fortune. Of course, the title athlete of the year 2015 helped him a lot. In 2015, he earned more than one million for the first time. Nevertheless, the expenses that a triathlete has should not be swept under the table.

Jan Frodeno Radical Riot

Not to be despised is also the financial expense for the sport. There are tons of products for each of the three triathlon disciplines that aim to get the athlete to the finish faster, effortlessly and with less effort. If you forget about the time spent training, the equipment comes with a proud penny. This starts with a neoprene suit, which optimizes the water situation for 800 €. High-profile wheels for € 2,000 each and aerodynamic carbon bike frames for € 2,000 are just a starter price. Competition and training running shoes for 200 euros to get the best out of you and of course all the technical training equipment to check your own performance. In addition there are travel expenses in foreign training camps and to the competitions. For many people, the merit of this entire effort is the participation in such a spectacular experience as the Ironman Triathlon Hawaii.

Jan Frodeno Nutrition

Jan Frodeno Ernährung

The diet for the Ironman is relatively unspectacular. As with any competitive sport, the athlete should eat a healthy and balanced diet. Certainly one or the other pizza is in it. But here is a variety of nutrients in focus without unnecessarily burdening the body with fast food. While in bodybuilding it really depends on how the macro nutrient distribution and calorie count look, the Ironman contender should pay attention to the selection first and foremost. Of course, the calorie count should be adjusted upwards, which means that who trains more, should eat more. Anyone who knows a little about healthy eating, knows what he has to pay attention to. Attacks complex carbohydrates, preferably from whole grains and potatoes. The source of protein is easily digestible egg white from lean meats, fish, Merres fruits, eggs and dairy products. Vegetarians or vegans are well supplied with legumes and various cereals. Of course, high-quality fats should not be missing on any nutritional plan for competitive athletes. These include u.a. Nuts, seeds, avocados and fat sea fish. For the supply of vital minerals and trace elements, of course, sufficient vegetables and fruits should be respected.

Jan Frodeno and his wife

Jan Frodeno Frau

At Frodeno, sports and especially triathlon play a major role. After all, the wife of Jan Frodeno is also an ambitious top athlete. Former Australian triathlete Emma Frodeno, nicknamed Snowie, was a three-time triathlon world champion and even took home the title of Olympic gold medalist in 2008. The two are a couple since 2010 and gave each other in 2013 the yes-word. Meanwhile, Emma and Jan have two children together.

John Frodeno Training

Dedicated Nutrition BCAA

Jan Frodeno began his sporting career as a swimmer at the age of 15. Three years later he came to the rescue swimming because of the versatility of the various disciplines. When Frodeno watched the Olympics on TV in 2000, he was motivated to do triathlon. During the week, Frodeno is back more than 600 km.

Jan Frodeno Residence

Jan Frodeno residence

John Frodeno was born in Cologne, but immigrated to South Africa with his family when he was 11 years old. Currently, Frodeno Saarbrücken, Girona and Noosa is one of his places of residence.

Jan Frodeno on Instagram

If you are interested in the career, training and everyday life of Jan Frodeno, you should definitely visit his Instagram account. With currently 370,000 followers, the strong channel is constantly growing.

Still here. Never left.

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Ironman Triathlon


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Comments 1
Total entries: 1

Werner, 19.01.21 09:22

Jan Frodeno ist einfach eine phönomenale Große im Ironman. Er hat den Sieg Ironman Hawaii 2019 Sieger mehr als verdient.
