Power and mass with 5x5

American Supps Deutschland GmbH
Training Plans Strength Building / Comments 2

More power and mass with 5x5

The originally sprung from the powerlifting training program "5 × 5" is today considered one of the most mass-building methods. In principle, the training schedule is structured so that the muscles are trained three times a week. The rest of the time is to ensure adequate regeneration. The plan should be performed only by advanced athletes and weight it should be given to a high enough caloric surplus in order to achieve a high level of muscle growth also next to an enormous increase in power.
The training by this method is performed over a period of 7-9 weeks, with the first two weeks of a preparatory phase correspond to the body enough opportunity to offer to get used to the new stress test and prevent injury and overtraining. After 5-6 weeks, finally followed by a maximum phase with a small change in the number of sets and reps.
In the above preparatory phase, the weights for the respective exercises should be determined which one is in a position 5 sentences long run 5 times each. The choice should this fall on the weight that is not so easy that you would create significantly more reps but not so heavy that you already have problems, the training workload with this weight endure for a week.
If you now execute all the records with the corresponding reps in a position in the first week, in the following week, the weight is increased by 2.5-5kg. If you manage the required reps and sets that week, so the increase was too high and it should be chosen a moderate increase. According to this principle will be trained until it finally comes to the previously announced maximum phase after 4-6 weeks.
During the maximum phase of the set and rep number is reduced so that a 3 × 3 scenario comes about, say, 3 sets of 3 repetitions. Particularly important with this maximum phase, is that the focus is on increasing of the weights, and not on the exact maintenance of repetitions, as was the case during the 5 x 5 phase. Optionally you can load in this period to decide the squat times perform only two a week and replace the third time either by an isolation exercise or completely omit. Furthermore, should the maximum force have increased significantly and hopefully with adherence to the calorie surplus should be able to record a good mass building beyond.
If you decide against the maximum phase, because you run the motor sports only next to another sport, in good conscience, the program can be discontinued after 4-6 weeks (this scheme is only 5 in 5 × training).


At this point, it will be shown as the actual training looks like:


• Squats: 5X5
• Bench Press: 5X5
• barbell rows: 5X5
• Additional exercises: sit-ups with additional weight and a triceps exercise (this is not necessary is not observed, the 5 × 5 scheme)


• classic squat or front squat: 5X5
• Note: you can reduce by 25% if you get problems with the regeneration of the weight on that day.
• Front Press: 5X5
• Deadlifts: 5X5
• Chin-ups: 5X5
• Additional exercises: 2-3 sets of 5-8 reps of a bicep exercise and an abdominal muscle exercise.


• Squats: 5X5 (same weight as on Monday)
• Bench Press: 5X5
• barbell rows: 5X5
• Additional exercises: 2-3 sets of 5-8 repetitions of a triceps exercise and an abdominal muscle exercise.

Comments 2
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