How To Have Sex In The Swimming Pool?
"How To Have Sex"
How to have Sex?
Many are attracted to having sex in the pool, which is not only a very exciting place if it is a public swimming pool, but it can also be a very sparkling and enjoyable affair with the water. First of all, the obstacle should be avoided, to find a suitable swimming pool at all. Not everybody is lucky enough to have a private pool, swimming pool or whirlpool in the house. So if you dare the adventure of using a public swimming pool, it may be a bit more involved, but not impossible. Depending on how conspicuous you are in sex, it can even be pretty easy. But do not get caught doing it and if it does, do not tell that you have the tips from us)
Sex in the Swimming Pool
The easiest way to have sex in the pool is in the crowded outdoor pool in summer. You just pretend to be annoyed with each other in the water by splashing yourself with water and wrapping your legs under water with your legs. All he has to do is pull down his bathing trunks and take her bikini panties to one side. So he can easily introduce his penis to her without anyone knowing about it. Since you have to do without a more elaborate foreplay, she should already be excited and her vagina should be wet enough so that he can excite him without causing a sensation. Now you can move very carefully so that his penis moves in and out. Avoid too passionate movements, otherwise you might notice. But just the thrill of doing something forbidden between all human beings might give you enough excitement. However, the only problem could be other swimmers passing by underwater wearing a pair of diving goggles or having their eyes dipped. So it's really important that you both stay close to each other. The best and most inconspicuous thing is, at the bubble stations, which are often in the middle of the swimming pool or in the Jacuzzi. Another advantage is that here are more violent movements on which you certainly at some stage buck, not particularly noticeable. By the way, this is even less noticeable in the dark. Most spas often have quite long opening hours, which can be particularly hot in the winter when it gets dark. But beware! In the meantime, there are also swimming pools that have underwater cameras, so it could well be that if you get caught, this camera material can prove to be your fate as evidence. If you are lucky, you should come away with a simple warning.
Sex in the swimming pool - without risk to be caught
o you have the latest desire to have sex in the water at the latest, but do not want to get caught or is not necessarily caught on the thrill, then a public swimming lake should be just right for you or you rented a room with a Jacuzzi or with a private pool. Since you are undisturbed in any case and can let you go right. Meanwhile, many providers in different countries offer such opportunities and it could be a special experience for you and not just because of the sex in the water. Treat yourself to these special experiences as a couple, everyday life makes living together often hard enough.
Sex in the swimming pool / in the water
Once all the framework conditions have been clarified, then it goes to practice. Sex in the water has some advantages but also a disadvantage. Since sex in the water does not go with a condom and Safety First applies, sex in the pool or in the water is only suitable for couples, where confidence prevails, or where you know exactly that both are completely healthy. Even if she can not get pregnant from floating sperm in the water, there is a possibility when he comes in, or the risk of pregnancy is already there when he is in it, but has not come yet. But the sogeannte pleasure drop, which drips before from the penis, contains a variety of mature sperm. So the risk of pregnancy already exists. The woman should use either the spiral or a hormone preparation such as the anti-baby pill, hormone sticks or the like to prevent. If she prefers a calendar with the fertile days, it should also be checked in advance whether she has her fertile days or not. It looks different, if a pregnancy is planned, then you can just start. The nice thing is that if you enjoy playing in a private pool or a secluded lake, the risk of being caught is low to low. There is also enough time for a stimulating foreplay, which can be as exciting and sensual in the water as in bed. Here, everything should be used, which makes the other sharp, kissing, tenderly nibble on the neck or earlobe, play on the nipples, incl. Pamper with the tongue and fingers, etc.
How to have Sex?
Sex in the pool - more endurance = more fun
Sex in the swimming pool or sex in the water offers many advantages, but the biggest one is certainly that the weight to be carried is eliminated. So as a man, you can lift the woman without any problems, no matter how light or how heavy she is and as long as you can persevere, you can really let it rip in the water. If your sexual stamina needs some help from a natural testosterone booster, Tribulus terrestris or yohimbine are very good remedies. Incidentally, both also helped to increase the pleasure of women. Especially yohimbine, as it has been proven to promote blood circulation in the abdomen. Another added benefit of having sex in the water is that both are very relaxed due to the warm water, which can also boost orgasm.
During sex in the pool, there are many different variations, ranging from oral sex, which requires a really good diving skills as a woman if she wants to pre-heat the man underwater orally in advance. As a man, it is not advisable to do so under water, as the risk of too much water swallowing is too great. The only thing that should be swallowed when having sex in the water is his sperm. Oral sex in the water works well without great diving skills, if the one or the lucky person, who is about to be pampered with the mouth, just sits on the edge of the pool. So the other has an easy game and the water is also all nice and humid, so that it can be a very stimulating and satisfying thing. Especially if the woman when blowing but should tend to a often dry mouth, this can sometimes be very helpful, because it allows the penis even better in her mouth to slide in and out. But you do not have to satisfy the other to the end with the mouth, so sex in the water is also fun, if one is out on the edge of the pool and the other just takes what he likes. Both of them get their money's worth this way. This works very well when the man lies down on his back and the woman sits down on the man and introduces his member. The advantage is that it can determine how fast and at what pressure it is introduced. It works just as well the other way around, when she lies down on her back, spreads her legs and he introduces his penis.
Sex im Schwimmbad - das Meer
By the way, sex in the ocean is a very special attraction. Here, however, the moral rules of the different countries should really be taken into account, because depending on the holiday destination, if one gets caught while having sex on the beach, extreme penalties may be imposed until imprisonment. But if you stay in a more liberal country, nothing should stand in the way of the pleasure of a romantic night. Take a look in your guide, if there is a hidden waterfall somewhere, that too can be a special experience. One last point that comes to our minds when we have sex in the water is the home-style bathtub, which may be quite narrow depending on how tall the man is (we're from an average bodybuilder). If you have no other option and have to serve the bath, then better not let too much water run in, because otherwise one of you still need to clean the bathroom and there has probably after such a work done hardly a desire to. For those who are not afraid of water, or if you do not even have a bathtub, the shower is still a wasteful opportunity. For this, the blog sex standing up should also give you very good ideas. Just click: ►►► How does sex stand up?
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Sex im Wasser ist super schön, auch wenn ich unter der Dusche schon ausgerutscht bin ha ha